• Know what you stand for, and live a life that supports this belief. It is not just what you say, or what you share; it is who you are and the actions you take. Make sure all are congruous.


  • Be authentically, unapologetically you. No one ever looks back at well-lived life and says, I wish I would have been less authentic.


  • Think about who you are and why you are here every day. Start every morning doing this first, and let every other thought follow. Doing so will keep you from blindly leading a life of mediocrity.


  • Start before your ready. Start now, without having it all figured out, without perfection, without knowing everything you need to know or how it will all unfold. Just start.


  • Perfectionism is the enemy of creativity, aliveness, and innovation, let perfectionism go. In its wake, you will find pure genius and epic failure, both will serve you well.


  • Connect deeply, the true path to a beautiful life is through deep, courageous connection.


  • Love, deeply, sincerely and as much as possible. Bring love to your family, your friends and your workplace. Bring it to your dreams, your success and your challenge. Love.


  • Embrace fear, it leads to greatness.


  • If the answer is not a whole-hearted, yes, either it is not time to make the choice, or the answer is no.


  • Rebellion lives inside of all of us; it is where boldness, innovation, and creativity are born. Embrace your inner rebel.


  • There is a fine line between innovation and changing everything. Innovation honors truth and authenticity and the unchanging core of a person or company. Changing everything is fear-driven, and lets go of the core truth within. People lose faith if your change the core, and are inspired if you embrace innovation.


  • Trust your inner knowing, completely. Your intuition tells the story of your whole body, your heart, your head and your emotion, It does not rationalize and over think. It is the ultimate truth teller, go with it.


  • If you have unspoken words, speak them. You will need to let go of them to succeed. They may be difficult, but they can change everything. Speak the unspoken.


  • Give generously, to your team, your stakeholders, your customers, your friends, your family, total strangers and most importantly, yourself.


  • Stop hiding behind circumstances. Remarkable change can be born out of complete challenge or tragedy. Your past is what is it, you have two choices, dwell in it or grow from it. Chose to grow from it; it will change your life.


  • Do you really want to “get by”, “make it through” or “thank goodness it’s Friday”? Or do you want to live out every day fully and with joy?


  • If you let go if what you think the universe owes you, in its place, you will find the power to create what you want.


  • Be willing to settle and never settle. I know, it sounds contradictory, but it is powerful. Be willing to settle during the beginning, when you first start taking action. Settle on version one and figure out how to make it better as you go. Be messy, be less than perfect and settle for whatever gets you started. However, never settle when it concerns your truth, your why and what you stand for, in this, stand steadfast and resolute, and you can change the world.


  • You are everything you need to be to do what you want to do right now, proceed as if this is the only truth.